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The Indian Space Research Organisation (ISRO) is set to launch Polar Satellite Launch Vehicle, PSLV-C52, carrying three satellites on Monday from the Satish Dhawan Space Centre in Sriharikota. The rocket will lift off from the launch pad at 5:59 AM on Monday.

According to the ISRO, the PSLV-C52 will be carrying EOS-04, a radar imaging satellite, and two other satellites tomorrow.

HANDOUT PHOTO MADE AVAILABLE FROM ISRO ON SUNDAY, FEB. 13, 2022 Sriharikota: Indian Space Research Organisation (PTI Photo)

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HANDOUT PHOTO MADE AVAILABLE FROM ISRO ON SUNDAY, FEB. 13, 2022 Sriharikota: Indian Space Research Organisation (PTI Photo) (PTI)

The countdown process of 25 hours and 30 minutes leading to the launch would commence at 04:29 hours on February 13, 2022 after authorization by the Launch Authorization Board.

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Picture Shared by ISRO

The two satellites include one student satellite (INSPIREsat-1) from Indian Institute of Space Science and Technology (IIST) in association with the Laboratory of Atmospheric and Space Physics at the University of Colorado, Boulder, and a technology demonstrator satellite (INS-2TD) from ISRO, which is a precursor to India-Bhutan Joint Satellite (INS-2B).

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As per ISRO, the PSLV-C52 is designed to orbit an earth observation satellite (EOS-04), weighing 1710 kg into a sun-synchronous polar orbit of 529 km.

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Picture shared by ISRO

“EOS-04 is a Radar Imaging Satellite designed to provide high quality images under all weather conditions for applications such as Agriculture, Forestry & Plantations, Soil Moisture & Hydrology and Flood mapping,” ISRO said in a statement.

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Picture shared by ISRO

EOS-04 is a Radar Imaging Satellite designed to provide high quality images under all weather conditions for applications such as Agriculture, Forestry & Plantations, Soil Moisture & Hydrology and Flood mapping.

Picture shared by ISRO

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Picture shared by ISRO

EOS-04 is a Radar Imaging Satellite designed to provide high quality images under all weather conditions for applications such as Agriculture, Forestry & Plantations, Soil Moisture & Hydrology and Flood mapping.

The launch will be live telecasted.

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